19. April - 19. Mai 2019
From 2019-04-19 until 2019-05-19 the THIS IS FAKE collective will present four new virtual reality (VR) works in the UNTERGESCHOSS14 of Halle14 at the Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei with their second group exhibition.
The electronic media and increasing digitization have led to fundamental changes in social dynamics, carried by the perceived acceleration of the world. Computer (omni-)presence requires a direct connection of so-called “intelligent” technologies with the body, the consciousness and society. Algorithms do not only analyze, store, and process all activities of human communication, but also participate directly in them and generate content themselves. In times of technologization and digitization, questions arise about new forms of thinking and acting against the background of digital media and their influence on social systems. The exhibition UNSTABLE SETTINGS deals with the social phenomena of this time.
The Internet was a place for utopias in the early 1990s. Today, on the other hand, quasi-monopolies such as Facebook and Google determine how we move around the net and construct private and political narratives. Social media has become an echo chamber of (net-)political trench warfare. The flood of media images has led to an emotional overload and stirs the desire for escapism. The meta-data produced via apps, swipes and clicks becomes a product while users become part of digital feedback loops. Thus, man is in the midst of a digital process that creates a new framework of social interaction that needs to be analyzed as a social space.
The future conquers our present through the immersive VR headset technology. Digital realities, the blurring boundaries between online and offline, and the resulting expansion of our real world around artificial elements such as avatars or virtual objects - all these are spaces of experience that change human perception and experience. What do new immersive technologies offer in terms of expressions and themes in artistic work? What does the digital expansion of space mean for art? These topics and questions are posed and negotiated in the exhibition UNSTABLE SETTINGS.
Fri 2019-04-26 - Sun 2019-04-28
Fri 2019-05-03 - Sun 2019-05-03
Fri 2019-05-10 - Sun 2019-05-12
Friday 16:00 - 20:00
Saturday 12:00 - 18:00
Sunday 12:00 - 18:00
Vernissage: Sat 2019-04-20 18:00
Artist talk (with Peggy Schoenegge): Fri 2019-05-03 16:00 - 18:00